Mapping the color of Tacubaya

G3_C_GRAFFITI02Positioning carefully each color swatch To obtain a map that present the Tacubaya identity. Details that normally people don’t perceive in a chaotic daily life pattern, especially in Mexico City were million of people move constantly on cars. Tacubaya is a great area squeezed between motorways, bridges and tunnels, an area absorbed by the municipality of Mexico City that still has its own identity.



Sense the Place format

IMG_8866Intersezioni presented #sensetheplace research guidelines. How to observe and capture what an urban context can express in terms of artifacts. How to take pictures: contextual and macro. Why we take a picture of an artifact.

Grouping the participants with assigned tasks. Understanding the area. Checking equipment.

The day was great, lots of sunshine and great color to caught!



Tacubaya district, Casa Barragàn, Mexico City

casa_luis_barragan_alr_1191bThe three days #sensetheplace workshop will start in the heart of Tacubaya district in front of an architecture masterpiece, the Casa Barràgan, a fantastic setup for a project like this. Feelings are already impressive, there is a great sense of color around this area. Thanks to Arqms Studio and Fundarqmx Studio and to the Casa Barragàn Foundation we will settle here to deeply discover the characteristic of this area.

Casa Barragàn


workshop @Abierto Mexicano de Diseño in Mexico City

IMG_9470Sense the Place is going to be in Mexico City for the Abierto Mexicano de Diseño festival from the 12th to the 16th of November with a workshop that will take place in Taqubaya district. 

The theme of this year is going to be “Process”. Intersezioni will hold a lecture on design thinking and will direct the workshop with Hugo Gilberto Pérez of Arqms Studio and Maria Bustamante of Fundarqmx.

Sense the Place Mexico City on Facebook
